Castlerea Community School 2024

First Year Homework Club

The aim of the 1st year Homework Club is to provide 1st year students with a safe, quiet and warm environment to complete their homework after school.  Homework Club is fully supervised by teachers who are available to help and give assistance to the students in completing their homework.

Homework Club is open Monday – Thursday from 4.00 – 5.00pm and is free of charge.

To ensure that this environment is maintained the following regulations need to be adhered to by the registered student.

  1. Parents will contact the school, preferably through a note in the registered students’ homework journal if the registered student cannot attend homework club. This note must be presented to the Supervising teacher / Deputy Principal no later than 2pm on the day of the homework club.
  1. It is the students’ responsibility to present themselves to the classroom on time, with their required materials. Students will not be permitted into homework club after commencement.  Required materials / toilet breaks are to be taken before or after club to avoid disruption.
  1. Students and staff must maintain a quiet environment for study. Students requiring assistance may ask a the teacher by raising his/her hand to gain attention.  Any disruption, breach of school rules or disrespect for students or staff will be addressed by the school disciplinary procedures.
  1. Use of mobile phones / iPods / electronic equipment (unless Dept. of Education authorised) are not permitted during homework club.
  1. Students deemed to be unsuitable for homework club because of behavioural problems will be removed from the programme.
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