- The Book of Ecclesiastes in the Bible states: “There is a season for everything”. In the life of the young person there is a season for adolescence. As the school Chaplain it is part of my role to walk with students along this path of self-discovery every step of the way.
- Chaplaincy in Castlerea Community School centres around “being there” for all in the school community: staff, students and their families as a gentle faith presence and to offer support. As Chaplain I am available to each student in the school journeying with and supporting them during their school year and as they progress from 1st to 6th year.
- The Chaplain supports and maintains a caring, respectful and compassionate school atmosphere where every person feels accepted, trusted and valued so as to ensure that the mission statement of the school is alive: “to foster the full potential of its students and staff.”
- Chaplaincy in Castlerea community school honours and reflects the inspiring vision of the Trustees:
“that education is to be conducted in an atmosphere of care, respect and joy, committed to the holistic development and to the advancement of the full potential of each member of the school community, in particular to those who are disadvantaged and marginalised.” - The Chaplain works closely with the Guidance Counsellor and is part of the care team supporting students in school. The Chaplain is available to students and staff at difficult stages of life, especially in times of illness, bereavement, grief and coping with loss.
- The Chaplain responds to referrals from year heads, class tutors and is a part of the Critical Incident Management Team. The Chaplain is central to organising faith reflection days, pilgrimages and outreach activities, where appropriate during the course of the school year. The Chaplain maintains the sacred space ensuring staff and students can avail of a prayerful place in which to reflect and take time out during the course of their day.
- The Chaplain is available to meet with parents, is a support in times of trauma and makes links with local parishes including local clergy who provide the school community with an invitation to join sacramental and liturgical celebrations during the course of the year.
Stephen O’Hara
Castlerea Community School
(094) 9620177